What you'll need to know for this course

This course is in 3 parts. Part 1 does not have a quiz at the end. Parts 2 and 3 do. You cannot progress from 2 to 3 without getting at least a 70% on the quiz. You cannot get your certificate without getting 70% on both quizzes.

You have 5 tries and 70% on each quiz. They are not easy. You have to pay attention to the lecture. If I go out of my way to emphasize something, take note. Why only 5 tries and 70%? This is to prepare you for the ASBOG tests. You only get 1 try there. You must get at least a 70%.

The quizzes have 4 choices per question. Only 1 answer is correct. This is how the ASBOG tests are set up. Your answer is right or wrong that's it. No partial credit. This is no secret. It will help you get a feel for what to expect.

This course is closed for enrollment.