What to expect with this course

I cannot be with you get get a general feel of what you know about geology. This test was created to assess that to the best of my ability.

This test is to test your basic geologic knowledge. It isn’t meant to assess your knowledge within a particular discipline. If we don’t use knowledge, we lose it. This will hopefully help you understand where gaps in knowledge are.

Complete the test at your own pace.

Pick the best fit answer(s). There might be other answers not in the list of answers, but don’t concern yourself with those. Don’t overthink the answers.

All test items have one answer, unless noted otherwise in the item. The test items consist of true or false, fill in the blank, and questions.

See the bottom of this page to enroll. You have to enroll before you can proceed with the course.

  First Section
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

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