What to expect from this course

In this course I take you through several modules on understanding the “North American Stratigraphic Code” (NASC). In 2021 an updated code came out. You may ask, “Why is this important?”. Because the NASC is how we formalize geologic units in stratigraphy, for mapping. Understanding it is key for making effective geologic maps and succeeding in field camp. 

In geology naming a geologic unit is not as straight forward as some people think. Large bodies of rock units can be very extensive. Proper definition is required. You also cannot name a formal geologic unit anything you want. 

Here I take you through the most important parts of the NASC. The parts dealing with lithostratigraphic and Lithodemic units. Both are key to making geologic maps and delineating units in the subsurface. 

You can download the 2021 NASC here:


I also will upload a pdf for you. It is a free document.