
Geology is how we understand our world and how it has changed over time. It isn't just about rock identification. Some aspects of geology can be used to make predictions.

The photo to the left and above are Archean banded iron formation of the Algoman type on top of an Archean andesite porphyry. Photos are near Wawa, Ontario.

What to expect in this course

In this course you will go with me on a field excursion showing two dikes cross cutting the Eriksfjord Formation. The focus is on the lithology of the rocks.

There is a quiz at the end of this course. You must complete it with a 60% or greater. You have 5 tries to pass.

Top of the Freda Formation

This photo is along Lake Superior at Marble Point in Wisconsin.


Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement

This is part of an aurora. This particular S.TE.V.E. was taken on the Keweenaw Peninsula in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Pumpelly's Rule

Pumpelly's Rule is something used to predict larger geologic structures. This is a rock outcrop expressing the rule near Negaunee in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

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